Tell me the top 5 competitors in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
What differentiates the top 5 competitors in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
What are the pros and cons of [INSERT COMPETITOR SERVICE] in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
Help me to find a gap in the market in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
Compare the pricing models of the top 5 competitors in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
Create three customer personas in [INSERT INDUSTRY] who’d buy [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]
Estimate the market size for [INSERT PRODUCT] in [INSERT REGION]
What are the best marketing channels for my brand to reach [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE] in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
Conduct a SWOT analysis for my business’ webpage [INSERT TEXT]
Help me identify my brand’s value proposition [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE/INDUSTRY]
Give me a summary of 5 industry trends that might affect my ability to sell [INSERT PRODUCT] in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
List the top 5 books on market research for entrepreneurs
How could I improve [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] to increase sales among [TARGET AUDIENCE]?
Tell me how I could upscale [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] to serve more customers
Give me three features I could add to [INSERT PRODUCT] in [INSERT INDUSTRY] for [TARGET AUDIENCE]